Friday, July 9, 2010
Vegging out
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
What's this wet stuff
Friday, June 25, 2010
And not forgetting the artichokes
Veg boxes
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Here's a pic taken by one of our lovely campers who holidayed last week. Greg and Louise sent us a set of pics which really captured the spirit of the farm and made me proud.
This weekend another full set of visitors then we have some tents free from 21st June. Anyway who wants a few days away in the country I'd book those dates - well yes I would say that - however, you don't see a weather forecast like this very often so I insist that everyone grabs a little piece of the sun.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Life's a beach
I guess you put a pub on the beach and it's always going to be busier. Mind you, I think I'd prefer to take my own beers in a cool box and enjoy a long empty vista of wet sand.
Friday, May 21, 2010
First sight of a tomato
The sun is definitely out and urging on the tomato plants in the greenhouse. Today while giving a thirst quenching feed I spotted my first toms on two plants.
This year have three varieties of toms, an ugly gnarled Italian beef tomato, a cherry tom and a traditional English garden type.
Reading through Sarah Raven last night she said she will sow another lot of seeds in June in order to get a late greenhouse crop which I will try this year. I can't believe they'll have time to ripen but will give it a go.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Garden moves
This weekend saw blazing sunshine on Saturday so a day spent in the garden, planting out bedding plants, sowing more seeds, potting up seedlings, planting out Hooligan Pumpkins under fleece. I'm incredibly pleased at how the yard garden is coming up (above). Looking at the photo below from the last week of March it really is bursting into life. The delphiniums are even avoiding the usual slug buffet.
I try and keep the yard in good order as this is where the shower and pantry are based. It's a nice peaceful area which catches the sun and there are few places I would rather be on a sunny day with a newspaper and an espresso.
After a sunny Saturday, Sunday was drizzly but it was good to see the newly transplanted plants drinking up the water after so many dry days.
I wish we'd kept count last year on the dry vs wet days, this year does feel much dryer and sunnier. It's impossible to look back retrospectively at the weather forecasts as they are so often so very wrong. Heavy rain forecast when it's dry and steaming hot, sunny intervals forecast when in reality it's a drizzling grey tupperware sky day.
So from now on I'm going to keep my own Berridon Farm weather record. And today... is sunny!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Blackberrying in the country
Oh lord is this what life has come to. Sitting on an old sofa in the farm yard looking like a refugee from Shameless. Beer balanced on tum. Buttock firming clogs on. Frowning on my blackberry. Not taken this morning I hasten - beer is not taken before lunch! Well at least not on a school day.
When I moved to the country to pursue my love of blackberrying, this wasn't quite what I had in mind.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Taking the trail
The new nature trail is going down a storm this year. Signs are placed in the field and the children can scout around to answer the questions and then... win a lolly! Ok, it's hardly the lottery but when you're five you'd so much rather a lolly than a boring old cheque.
Some children would like to do the nature trail twice a day... naming no one in particular... you know who you are. (Conrad, aged six, bless).
Monday, May 10, 2010
Never mind the dandelions
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Salad days
Last week a dear friend died suddenly and unexpectedly and I've been taking real solace over the past few days sitting in my new greenhouse and tending to the fragile seedlings, planting new seeds in rows and pots.
While the rest of the country seems to have had a washout bank holiday I'm happy to report that, bar a downpour on Saturday night, we were blessed with steady sunshine and blue skies all the way. All the better to spend time in the garden, losing myself in the steady work of bringing in the summer crops.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunny day pics
Friday, April 23, 2010
Swinging centre
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Into the woods
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Wash time
Mopping out the shower room has become a quite therapeutic activity. Mop mop mop. We didn't scrimp when we 'did up' the old farm shower room and the showers are better than the ones in our house. How did I let that happen!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Abi and the lamb
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Safari so goodie
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Little red tractor
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Ginger biscuits or squeaks?
As you can see from the rather blurred image the new piglets are fast movers. On the left is Mighty and the fellow on the right is called either Squeaks or Ginger Biscuits depending on which way the wind is blowing.
Some people don't name the animals that will end up in the pot, however, our children now completely understand the process and have lost their sentimentality. They still have a lump in the throat when the animal takes its final journey, but when the smell of sausages is wafting across the yard from the BBQ they soon come running.
ANOTHER glorious sunny day in Devon today. All the tents are full and we have a lot of happy people heading off to the beach today. Some checking out the surf, some the sand, and some who don't care as long as there is a loo close by... mmm wonder which are parents of toddlers?
Friday, April 9, 2010
Loafing around
Last night made seed buns of varying sizes (cooked in 15 to 20 mins) and mini loaves (15 mins).
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Little lamb
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sheep, what sheep?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Workshop working
The field is muddy and wet so now I have to call all the campers who will arrive on Friday and remind them to pack wellingtons - is it normal to feel personally responsible for the rain?
Friday, March 26, 2010
RIP Dave
In the last lot of lambs there was one pushy, bullying, greedy fellow that was always knocking the little ones off their bottles and trampling over anyone, sheep or human, in the hope of a little more milk. So obviously we named him Dave after our own greedy, plate finisher (though I must say that Dave has never actually knocked me over to get to the last chip on my plate).
So it was with sadness this morning we discovered that Dave had died in the night. Like some biblical warning to the danger of greediness his tum had split - this is Dave the lamb by the way not Dave the husband. Never again will we have to hold him in a headlock to let the others finish their milk, we'll miss him.
RIP Dave
Thursday, March 25, 2010
What size chicken laid that?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Meet the family (2)
The Berridon big cat, camouflaged against the famous Berridon weeds. There she strides up the broken stairs, little Rosie. Blythe's kitten and the most adorable cat. Loved by all, even Dave, who will tell anyone who mentions the C word "I hate cats".
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The library
Last year the box, ahem I mean library, grew as campers left everything from Jeffrey Archer (yes really) to Sadie Jones, let's see what comes of this year's visitors - will it be Mollie Panter-Downes or Dan Brown?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Know your onions
So this weekend I checked the harvest, trimmed any leftover wiry roots and peeled off the top muddy layers of papery skin to reveal the rich colour of the onions and shallots.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Meet the family
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The Eden project?
Friday, March 19, 2010
See you at the baa
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Garlic growing

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
That's one big pig

Perhaps there's room in the North Devon area for a farm of GIANT animals, The Giant Pig, The Impossibly Enormous Cow, The Chicken The Size Of A House. Yes. There's definitely something there... now where's my book on genetic engineering using a kettle and a hand whisk.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
A new pig (or 14)?

We are currently without pigs on the farm. Well, that’s not quite true as we have six parma hams currently maturing, a plethora of salami hanging in the drafty rafters from a barn and a large (very large) deep freeze packed to the brim with pork chops, joints and the last of the sausages and meatballs.
But, spring is here, almost, and the time has come to get some pigs back on the farm. It takes a few months for the ground to recover from the daily puddling and rooting of pigs but now the grass is back and lush, just ready for a complete trashing at the trotters of a couple of rare breed piglets.
Still searching for the perfect pigs, but the image above shows a beautiful sow and her litter at the market last week. Dave was off at the machinery auction and if I wasn’t holding a child and a large bag of cake my hand would have been shooting up to by this lady. Not sure what him indoors would have said, there’s a world of difference between two pigs and 14!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunny daze
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Sunny Saturday
After The Worst Winter Weather in 30 years (according to the Daily Mail) we've had non stop sunshine for well over a week. Bitterly cold of course but wrapped up warm you can almost, almost, imagine it's a summer's day. This morning we headed to the beach and lay in the sun on the dunes while the children dug a large hole. Simple pleasures.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Little lambs
I'm already missing lambing live on BBC2 with Kate Humble and the ginger farmer. But to keep me company I'll head up to the stables and visit our own orphan lambs. Nine poor tiny little lambs arrived a few days ago in the back of an estate car and we've been feeding them three times a day.
Lambs are adorable and the lamb bottle feeding is one of the most popular things with the children of our campers. The only bad thing is they grow up! Last spring we were still bottle feeding the lambs over a month after they should have been weaned - sometimes the lambs were bigger than the children!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Chickens and foxes - not best of friends