Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Spring is springing in the kitchen garden

the sun is out which means I am spending every spare minute in the garden.  Sowing seeds and preparing beds ready for planting salads, herbs and beans.

And enjoying the fruits of last year's planting, chard, kale and purple sprouting brocolli are all going strong and a delicious, and welcome, sight.

Can't believe this time last year we were under snow!  Much prefer the sunshine!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Getting ready for the season ahead

Today there was a veritable spring in all our steps as, after a few days of rain, the forecast looks dry and sunny for the next few weeks. 

This is perfect as we are now in 24/7 prep mode getting the site and cabins ready for a busy season ahead.

A big piece of work has been creating a new chicken run, building a new chicken house and fencing off a new area in order to give the current chicken coop a break to allow the ground to recover after a  few years of hens scratching away at the ground.

The constant supply of chicken manure is actually fantastic for the ground meaning it will be fertile, but the parade of chicken feet in all weathers has created bare patches which turn muddy in the rain, so it's well worth getting it in better condition for the future.

The fencing is up, the chicken house is being finished today, and hopefully tomorrow we'll move our hens from one coop to the other.

Then the old ground will be rotovated and reseeded and hopefully this time next year we'll be moving them back to their old stomping ground where they will have a whole host of greens and little bugs to enjoy, meaning lots more giant, orange yolked eggs for our guests to enjoy.